Savi Sharma- Everyone Has a Story

By Varsha Kushwaha


“Everyone has a story to tell,
Everyone is a writer;
Some stories are written in books,
And some, some are confined to hearts.”

How do I write story of the storyteller herself? the storyteller who knows magic; whose words can go in and stir your soul but can never leave it; whose words remain inscribed forever and always; and whose heart is blessed. Perhaps some stories are made in heaven and send down to earth to choose their own characters, while some stories; some stories we write down.

Savi’s story definitely, yet most incredulously is the one made in heaven. Want to know why? There isn’t just one reason, there are many. Perhaps it’s because her story is nothing less than being magical; even the characters in her story are straight out from a novel!
Savi Sharma’s very first book- Everyone has a story was published way back in 2014; yet it remains one of the best selling book even today. Perhaps it’s because the characters in the book are just as appealing as the story is; Vivaan who carries a mysterious air around himself, Meera who is keen on writing stories that could inspire, Kabir; a cafe manager who smiles at everyone who he meets & makes them feel home & Nisha, a beautiful and sweet woman who finds love in his selfless nature.

The book begins with Meera, a young woman who is an HR manager at a prestigious company; but dreams of being a writer, of writing a story that could inspire and change. She is in search of a story; but she never finds it. The first time she does, it’s in his eyes; the eyes of a traveller who is per se, good at escaping!

Perhaps Savi was telling her own story here. We see Savi in Meera, or it can be the other way around! Meera is a part of Savi. Just ten days before her CA final, she approached her parents to “inform” them that she didn’t want to waste any more time in appearing for her CA exam; instead she wanted to publish her book- Everyone has a story. We can very well imagine what her parents would have “told” her.

Even though “Everyone has a story” was her first book published; it wasn’t the first book written by her; and she certainly didn’t begin her writing then. She began writing way back when she was seven! Her first written book- “Silent Love” was her first novel written. Most of her friends absolutely loved it; however her one friend, Ashish Bagrecha told her that although it was a good story, it wasn’t a great one, especially not for my debut. “He advised me to write about myself and my dreams. I then started writing another story, which turned into this book. I made him my mentor, he helped me greatly with the editing, publishing and marketing of the book.” She wanted her first book to be the one which could inspire people; and to make people have faith in hope & love once again. And So began the writing of our beloved story- Everyone has a story; which was written in four to five months & then self-published by Savi.

Just like Savi, Meera is eager to begin her book; now that she has found her story in Vivaan’s eyes. But Vivaan is reluctant to narrate his. Instead, he shows her a story in Kabir’s eyes; one of her closest friends. While we find his story simple & very beautiful; we long to hear Vivaan’s. But he “escapes” & begins his travel around the world; leaving Meera heartbroken; her story which had begun so beautifully now on the verge of remaining unfinished, with her “hero” vanished suddenly. She waits for Vivaan for months; but he never comes; and when he does, she has lost her hope & faith from her over for him.

The book talks about love; and the courage it takes to break the shackles that hold you from following your dreams and going for it; be it traveling around the world or being an inspiration, or as simple as loving someone. It goes in & through the hearts of friendship & dreams & the beauty of life; and the best part- not giving up on life & love. When Vivaan does come back, he narrates his story to her; and the reason he needed to escape. Meera is shattered by the truth & runs away; but eventually feeling the pain Vivaan went through. With an accident threatening to destroy everything, can Meera & Vivaan’s story defeat the challenges that lie on their way?
“Or perhaps it’s not a story & maybe it’s not love. It’s something more real than stories & more powerful than love. It’s about You; more real and powerful.”
Savi Sharma, Everyone has a story

While writing a book is a very beautiful phase, presenting it to the world is a complete package of emotions every writer experiences. Imagine telling the whole world your story; be it real or imagined! It’s like inviting this world in the world you created all these months with all the beauty & love you had to offer. You painstakingly improved its every version; every side & every nook & corner; believing it was a whole world to live in just for you or perhaps you & someone special.

Isn’t sharing the world you thought was all your own; where you could do anything you wanted; be the wind & travel anywhere; invite fairies & cast spells; isn’t sharing that world something which requires dare? What if the world laughed at it? Though it was useless & stupid? Or worse, Destroyed it?

Perhaps the most challenging & dare demanding phase in any writer’s life is NOT to make people believe in your world; and to make them feel your feelings; laugh your laughter; and at times, shed your tears; but to bring smile even when they are sad; and..and to inspire them. When a writer’s world inspires us to rise, to be better & make better this world; when a fairy from his world comes alive & waves her magic band in this world, its then when a writer succeeds; when his inspiration makes us strive to create the today tomorrow shall love to narrate.

So does a writer’s work end there? Shall his stories become worthless when our dreams come true? Of course not! He shall continue to create worlds; worlds where we can get l
ost now and then & enjoy all the emotions & energy! Savi Sharma definitely & most undoubtedly is one of those gem of authors!

And when you have firm faith in your story; when you believe your story has the magic to change & transform; when you are damn sure your story is phenomenal, you are no longer afraid of what it might take. Savi self-published her first book. She calls this phase as more challenging than writing phase; yet very memorable & full of experience & learning. Her book was published by Westland Publications & made available on Amazon.

After the awesome success of her first book, Savi went on to write another great story- “This is Not Your Story”, published in 2017, “Everyone has a Story-2”, sequel to her first one ; and “Stories we Never Tell” published in 2020.
Savi was once invited to speak in front of hundreds of chartered accountants in Dubai. It was too ironic, she was told; having left her CA finals just days before it. But when you are daring enough to risk your everything to chase your dream; the whole universe conspires to help you achieve it; and since your life loves you, it gifts you back everything you lost.
Married to another best selling author Ashish Baghrecha, Savi is living her dream in Surat; now with their four months old daughter- Ashvi. She continues to write, and inspire millions!

She is also a motivational speaker and has delivered inspiring talks on different Topics at the IIMs, IITs, popular literature festivals and other esteemed organisations. She is also the co-founder of motivational blog- “Life & People” where she writes about positivity, meditation & spirituality.

So let’s take inspiration & write our own story in this beautiful book called Life. Let God be the writer and you His hand; because sometimes journey itself is the destination.

                                                                   Authored By

                                                                                 Varsha Kushwaha


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