“Crazy Sweet Creations” By Ann Reardon

By Wong Zi Song


About 6 months ago, I was ordering this book. It didn’t have a world of mystery, nor was it filled with myths and legends. It didn’t make me jump out of my skin, or made me question would they or wouldn’t they. In fact there was no story. Why? Because the book I’ve chosen is actually a cookbook called Crazy Sweet Creations, and it is written by Ann Reardon.

I would jump right into why this book holds a special place in my heart and how I really do look up to the author herself. However, I probably should explain the contents inside it first. Since it is a cookbook, it’s filled to the brim with recipes. And just based on the title itself, you would know that all the food you’ll be making are desserts. But what makes it stand out from its competitors? One notable thing that I appreciate about this book is that it gives scientific explanations. It could be little fun facts, explanations on how and why certain foods are made, pictures showing how different amounts of ingredients can affect the end result and so much more. Needless to say, my mind was blown more than once.

Yet another thing that makes it stand out is the touch of the author’s personality. You can tell Ann Reardon was having so much fun writing her creations into this book. The names she gave to some of her desserts like, It’s Not an Avocado. The way she puts jokes into her steps, and even shares her stories definitely made me chuckle a few too many times.

Speaking of the author, it’s time to talk about her. Ann Reardon is actually a YouTuber who, you guessed it, mainly does baking. She does tutorials, cake fixes, debunking fake baking videos and so on. One thing that I really like about her is her personality, she sounds both professional yet can have fun at the same time. So, she’s like a mother! Which is fitting because she is one. She sometimes includes her children but often includes her husband in her videos. Unlike certain family channels though, I feel like everyone is really enjoying themselves. In turn, I feel like the viewers, or just me, could really feel welcome and enjoy her wholesome content.

Something else that I really do enjoy in her videos is the science aspect of it. She would sometimes explain how these foods are made just like in her book, but what I really find interesting is how she would also explain why certain methods won’t work in her debunking videos series. She carefully explains it and even shows the real results of these fake videos. I feel like she’s not only passionate about food, but she’s also passionate about making videos and making sure YouTube becomes a great website.

I guess now it’s time to address the elephant in the room, why is this book special to me? Well, this book was actually a gift to my mother. You see, before covid season hit, my relationship with my mother has slowly been dwindling away just like a melted candle. And when covid season hit, our relationship didn’t improve whatsoever. On the contrary, it has become really sour. But one day, I got recommended to watch one of Ann Reardon’s videos, and I was hooked to it. Seeing how she was not only a great baker and also a good mother made me feel a bit sad that I don’t have a mother like her. But as days went by, I realized that maybe I should try to treat my mother differently.

I went from groaning to her advice to actually listening and doing them, I also started to help my mother do some chores voluntarily. In turn, my mother started to treat me more as a friend while I started to see the friendlier side of her. Because of this, I decided that I should buy something for her birthday. During that time, Ann has announced her cookbook and seeing as how my mother has started cooking during quarantine, I decided to buy it for her. And oh boy, that was the best decision of my life! Not only has my relationship with my mother improved as we both bake together alongside my sister, but she has found a new hobby and that made me really happy.

To recap, the book I’ve chosen was a cookbook because it had really improved my relationship with my mother. I know in this situation I should give credit to myself, but I’m really thankful for Ann Reardon who indirectly helped me become a better person. Without her, I don’t think I would’ve listened to my mother or even taken action to improve our relationship. So, the moral of the story? Um. Blood really is thicker than water and a book may drastically change your life for the better.

                                                                   Authored By

                                                                                   Wong Zi Song


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