The Role of an Individual in Conserving Environment


Mother Nature provides us variety of beautiful flowers and plants, rain, sunlight calm and beautiful rivers, and whatnot. We are really lucky to use these blessings on earth.

Nowadays humans are negatively utilizing nature. So, it will ruin the natures possess. On the earth, the human population is growing day by day. Also, the need for conserving our resources too. There are a lot of issues that occur about the conserving environment.

Man is failed to save the environment because they cannot preserve them for the future. They make nature into trouble. pollution; acid rain, destruction of forests, etc are the most prominent disasters that our environment is facing. This will adversely affect humans as well as other species, animals, and birds if we fail to make nature our destroys sustainability. It is critical duty to protect the environment and then only reduce the destruction of the ecosystem. Air and water pollution, global warming, smog, acid rain, deforestation, and wildfires are some of the major environmental issues that we are facing right now.

Researchers state that with the help of technology we can resolve problems in the environment. But it’s not practically possible.

Each individual must conserve and prevent the environment for the future. Human beings benefit if they protect the environment and sustainably use its natural resources. It’s a liability of each individual to protect the environment. Conservation is the care and protection of these resources so it should be reserved for future generations. It includes maintaining the diversity of species, genes, and ecosystems, as well as functions of the environment, such as nutrient cycling.

While one group of people takes good care of the environment, others do not even take care of it. It is not enough to understand nature, for nature we have to create an ethical lifestyle. Ignorant of the evil consequences of humans’ ever-increasing and never-quenchable thirst for pleasure destroys nature and causes the large-scale extinction of many organisms.

The role of individuals in preventing pollution in the environment has critical importance because it is the individual’s responsibility to make a fine community or country. There is an unavoidable fact that the world is moving to its worst situation. Surviving is really hard. An Effort by each individual can have a significant effect on the global level and economy. The price rise in natural resources like gas, oil, petrol, diesel, and coal symbolizes their scarcity. Individuals should minimize the wastage of resources such as electricity, water, fuel, etc.

Ecosystem value is another important aspect of biodiversity and it’s also consisted of the environment. If there were a war comes its reason should be the scarcity of needed resources. Humans can’t survive those worst situations. The only remedy to resist that pathetic condition of the world was not to destroy nature for satisfying selfish needs.

Use energy-efficient light bulbs instead of regular bulbs. They last longer, which will save more money. Turn off lights, the TV, A/C, and other appliances when they are not in use. Accept this as a routine procedure and do it in your home as well as in the office. These are the common steps that help to save energy. We should take care of the things that we need. Nature is not only for today it also is for the future.


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