“The Chamber of Secrets” By J.K. Rowling -Book Review


Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets, written by J.K. Rowling, is a world-famous novel and 2nd part of the Harry Potter series. It was published on 2 July 1997 by Bloomsbury. The film based on this book was released in 2002 and become the 5th most grossing film in the world. Many video games were also based on this film which in a short time become children’s favorite.
The story begins with Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, in which Harry Potter had started his second year. All through the year, many messages were seen in the school corridor giving a warning that the “Chamber of secrets had opened and heir of Slytherin is about to all the students who do not belong to a having a magical background. Many attacks also happened in the school which left everyone horror-struck. Harry Potter and his close friends- Hermione and Ron scrutinized these attacks all through the year to find the guilty.


The book received a mixed response from people all over the world. Some praised it for a mixture of action, humor, drama, and thrill while some criticized it for its description of a magical world; & it would harm children’s thinking and lead them to take wrong steps thinking the real world to be the same as the magical world in the book.


The book got several awards such as children’s book of the year British book award, ‘Cooperative children’s book center’ Choice of 2000, Best book for young adults 2000, first-ever children’s book award 1999 by The Scottish Arts Council, and many more.

Some fun facts:

1. The film based on the book “Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets” is the longest film among all the other parts of the Harry Potter series while the book is the second shortest among all the other parts.
2. The name of characters of the book were given their names in such a way that it showcase their roles.
3. Name Harry Potter was also named after his great grandfather.
4. The magical plants discussed in the book were not an imagination of JK Rowling; they come from the real-life existence of species of flora.
5. JK Rowling lives in Edinburgh, England which has a variety of ancient and cultural architectures, gateways, institutions that have inspired Rowling with such an imagination.
6. Rowling was familiar with the Latin language so she had used many Latin words in the book and moto of Hogwarts school was also in Latin.
7. As the book suggested, a separate animal production team was set up for the filming of the Harry Potter series.
8. The Harry Potter books have been translated and read in over 80 languages all around the world.
9. One of the major differences between Harry Potter books and their films was the ghost Peeves was not present in any of the Harry Potter films.
10. JK Rowling had initially decided that Ron’s father, Arthur Weasley, miserable destiny at the end but she thought that Arthur was the only good father in the whole Harry Potter series so resolved that she would spare Ron’s father’s life.
11. In the Harry Potter films, students Hogwart’s uniforms were very costly to make.

J.K. Rowling

Joanne Rowling, took birth in the city of Yate, England on 31 July 1965. Her most famous creation was the Harry Potter series which has 7 parts and 500 million copies of this series have been sold till now. Harry Potter has now become a brand of $18 billion.

Early life

JK Rowling initially worked as a secretary for Amnesty International. One day while on the train, she got an idea about the Harry Potter series. Rowling’s initial years of life went through immense hardships during which her mother died, she got separated from her husband. She used to live in immense poverty.

Life after the publishing of the Harry Potter series and awards

It was just after the publishing of the Harry Potter series that the life of JK Rowling got transformation from immense poverty to becoming a billionaire. She was named the best-selling living author in Britain. She was also the runner-up for Times 2007 person of the year. She had been openly supporting transgender people and also started her charity, Lumos.

The book Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets is an excellent example of Rowling’s magnificent imagination with a plot that anyone could not even think of. Although the Harry Potter series ended after 7 parts, it cemented JK Rowling in people’s hearts forever.

                                                               Authored By

                                                                               Lakshay Mittal


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