Teen Depression and Mental Health

By Shifa Shah


” You are what you think of . Your thoughts can build extravagant Cathedrals or unsolicited confinement”
Depression- The state of feeling persistently sad and deprived of any interest, is what it’s described scientifically. As though these mere words could ultimately interpret what a depressed person would feel.
“The feeling of drowning in life, except everyone around you is breathing. Being held hostage by one’s own mind”.- these are the few everyday feelings of a depressed person
Being the most generic mental illness worldwide depression is most often misdiagnosed. More than 300 million people across the globe is diagnosed with clinical depression. Women are more likely to be depressed than men and teenagers are at the most risk than any other age group. These are all the common statistics we all know but somehow we still fail to acknowledge the severity of this disease. Most of the time people tend to brush it off, but your physical health is unavailing without your mental health.
So what made this notorious malady rise to popularity?
Just like a figure gains popularity mostly through social media, depression feeds off its victims through it too.
According to research, teenagers who spend most of their time on social media platforms like Tik Tok or Instagram are substantially at higher risk of getting depressed than those who don’t. Does this imply that Tik Tok and Instagram are causing depression? Well, not exactly . These media platforms are the causative agents of depression. These platforms portray the pursuit of perfection as a lifestyle and set unrealistic standards towards the young audience. Various influencers from social media has been increasingly romanticizing eating disorders unintentionally by posting the so called “What I eat in a week” videos. Many start to compare their portion sizes with the influencers’, which initiates the spark of “Iam not good enough”. Not just do they create unhealthy standards but also sparks the flame of self destruction.
“Wanna feel good about yourself?- Do 100 wide leg squats to get that fresh #thighgap! That Instagram body you’re looking for…can’t be attained if you eat more than 1100 calories a day”- The scary part is that these skinny 9 inch waists and tiny wrists are glorified quite too often that some even started joining Proana accounts.
All these skyscraping standards have negatively impacted most adolescents, causing them to spiral into self destruction.
Knowing they can never achieve that “Victoria’s Secret Supermodel” body makes them doubt themselves. Makes them feel worthless and starts to endure themselves in self destruction. But if one can endure in self destruction, one can definitely endure in self improvement.
Now that we have covered the causative agents let’s take a look at the main causes of depression.
Causes of depression can be varied and unspecified, but some of the most common causes are;

Biological factors– Depression can be an inherited disease sometimes. Having a family history of depression may increase the risk of getting depressed. In such cases, many different genes exert small effects on the individual.

Behavioral factors– Substance abuse and increased alcohol consumption can cause serious mental illnesses like depression. They negatively impact on both the physical and mental health. Approximately 30% of people with substance misuse problems have been diagnosed with clinical depression. Even if drugs or alcohol occasionally makes one feel better, they will eventually aggravate depression. Sometimes people with depression turn to alcohol and drugs to feel good, leading to the continuation of this vicious cycle
Psychological factors- Physical, sexual or emotional abuse can make one an easy victim of depression. Early childhood trauma, death of a beloved, separation from loved ones etc can cause emotional damage resulting in depression.
Certain medications- Certain medications for various medical conditions can cause depression. Drugs like Istretinoin [ used for treating acne] , Beta-andrenergic blockers, Benzodiazepines, Inferon alfa, Opioids etc gives various side effects including depression.
Hormonal factors- Many women going through perimenopause or menopause can have extreme shifts in hormonal levels often leading to depression.
Recognising the warning signs of depression from the beginning may help ease the road to recovery. Psychological normality is a spectrum, so the symptoms may differ from person to person.
Many fail to realise that being sad and being depressed are two completely different things. Some even maybe really good at concealing the early signs of clinical depression. Depressive episodes also vary from person to person.
Remember, the information provided here should be used for educational purposes only and not to diagnose anyone. It is recommended to see a healthcare professional if you or anyone you know is depicting these signs;-

Changes in apettite– Unexpected or unintentional weigh loss is one of the early signs of depression. As wonderful as it sounds to lose weight without much effort it is often a sign of an underlying medical condition. Depression detains all your interests in basic activities including eating. Food may taste bland or insipid. Eating your favourite meal won’t make you feel any different from eating an oatmeal . Food may appear like a requirement for survival rather than a fuel to function.
On the other hand, some may begin to overeat. Some people binge all their feelings and turn towards food as a comfort. They may start eating more fast foods and start gaining weight. All this done to fill that void inside them.

Dangerous impulses– When someone feels lost or not needed anymore physical dangers may not even seem like a problem. They may take unnecessary risks or engage themselves in dangerous situations. They may turn to alcohol or drugs ( which is one of the causes of depression) , thus continuing the vicious cycle.

Unexplained fatigue– Feeling tired all the time. Depression zaps all the energy. It dessicates one’s thoughts and makes one both physically and emotionally tired and numb. While this maybe perceived as laziness by many it actually stops one from functioning normally. It may even make one feel tired so much that it diminishes the motivation to look after oneself. It badly affects one’s personal hygiene.
When we look good, we feel good . Depression affects one’s daily routine so
much that it may feel like huge chore to dress up or brush teeth.
Hypersomnia or Insomnia- Depressed people suffer from either hypersomnia or insomnia. Sometimes depressed persons may feel excessively tired and sleepy all the time- even during the day. Some may lack sleep due to thoughts keeping them awake. Either way, depression disrupts the sleep cycle of the affected.
Emotional outbursts- People with depression can have extreme mood swings or emotional outbursts. Irritability or unrelentless sadness is one of the major signs of clinical depression.
If you think you or someone you know is depressed, seek help immediately. Call depression helpline or talk to someone you love.

You may feel unfixable if you’re one of the sufferers. But your mind is not a lost cause and it never was. It was merely punctured for a while, work hard to infate it.
Seeking help may make you feel like dumping all your problems on others, but you’re actually helping out yourself by being strong enough to open up.
Opening up may make you feel vulnerable. But vulnerability is truth. And truth isn’t always comfortable, but it is never a weakness. Truth is courage. You do not have to suffer in silence. You are not alone. Your weakness is the foundation of your strength. You don’t get rid of your weakness, you conquer it.
Seeking help is one of the milestones you reach. Talk about your problems to your family or friends. If you don’t feel comfortable around them, talk to a therapist.

Some ways to get through depression during the road to recovery are as mentioned below;

Go for a walk– Get more sunshine than screentime. With the current circumstances, adjust your stride using the guidelines given to you about the curfew and other restrictions. Allow your body and mind to breathe and relax. Free yourself from workloads and thoughts trafficking your brain. You cannot just snap yourself from depression but you can enjoy an emancipating stride to recovery.
Browse through the media- Social media could be an antidote or a slow poison for mental illnesses. To use it the right way is the objective. Connect with your friends and family, facetime them. Talking to someone on a daily basis can make you feel loved and relieved. Use social media to see how people who have battled depression dealt with it. It will make you feel understood and motivated. Unfollow or block pages that triggers you.

Get a pet– Pets are the most loyal and adorable companions. Keeping a pet gives you comfort and companionship without verbal communication. It’s an attachment you create while caring, petting or feeding. It could be a dog or a goldfish. Besides, having a pet around gives you a sense of protectiveness and would make you feel needed- both of which that’s needed to get through depression.
Join a support group- Interacting with people who have dealt with depression in the past is one way to get through it. Their stories will provide drive and motivation for you to move on. It also gives you an opportunity to share your story. You can also encourage others and give your own advices on how to cope.
Grow a plant- Buy some indoor plants. Become a plant mom. Growing indoor plants not only gives fresh oxygen but also helps to reduce stress levels, boost concentration, gives fast recovery from other illnesses and post surgery symptoms, increase productivity and many more. Different research shows that growing plants is therapeutic, it gives a feeling of well-being among people with depression, anxiety, dementia and other mental illnesses.
Last but never the least. Smile. – I know it may sound cliché and disrespectful. Asking a depressed person to smile is like asking a person with asthma to just breathe. But take this from a different outlook. Just like they say “fake it till you make it”. Practice smiling even when you don’t mean it. It ignites the spark of contentment left inside you. Charles Darwin in 1800’s furthered the idea of “facial feedback hypothesis”. The idea that suggests smiling can make one happier and frowning can make one more sorrowful or angrier. Just simply watching a funny video of a silly kitten or little puppies being rescued can deliver empathy and joy.

Read a book- Read a book of your favourite genre. Enjoy ith with a cup of chamomile tea.

The bottom line is to find time for yourself. You are just as important as any other person in this world. You deserve to be happy. You must keep moving forward in life because you won’t find answers staying in the same place. Life is a mixture of contentment and displeasure, joy and sadness, success and failure.
Your one true objective in life is not to graduate, get a diploma , get a job or buy a new house. All these materialistic things are not happiness. They’re just a distraction. The key to a full and happy life is balance, and you don’t find balance. You create balance.
Mental stability is just as important as physical one. And it is never a destination but a journey.

” Nourish your soul with affirmations, indulge positive attitude, absorb beauty in hardship, transport kindness, digest tranquility and eject negativity”

Stay safe and happy!

                                                                               Authored By

                                                                                              Shifa Shah


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