One Milestone event in the U.S History

By Shivamjyoti Das


One Milestone event in the U.S History Since the topic of this essay is “One Milestone event in the U.S History” my choice of topic for a milestone achieved by the U.S would be the abolishment of slavery. In this essay, I will be addressing the following topics – “What is Slavery?”, “Slavery in the U.S”, “How the U.S abolished the problem of slavery”.

What is Slavery? Slavery is when one is a slave, who is someone that is not allowed to discontinue their service from their owner or someone who is forced to work without any form of income. In recent history, people were enslaved when they were indebted, broke any laws, or were soldiers captured in a military defeat. People that were enslaved were commonly considered as ‘property’ to the enslaver.

The enslaved people in the U.S were commonly Africans or African Americans, often called ‘black’ people. Slavery in the U.S In 1619, when the U.S was still a British colony the privateer The White Lion brought 20 slaves from Africa ashore in the British colony of Jamestown, Virginia, this is thought to be the start of slavery in the U.S by many. Slavery in almost half of the U.S lasted till 1865, however, the other half of the country had still relied on slaves.

The northern states were rapidly industrializing and developing which resulted in the northern states becoming ‘free states’ which precisely meant that these states did not rely upon or support slavery and however, the other half, or the southern states had economically been depended on slaves which resulted on them being the ‘slave states’. In 1819, there were 11 free states and 11 slave states which was a perfect balance but then out of nowhere pops out a new state, Missouri.

Missouri had decided it wanted to be a slave state but this could cause a lot of trouble since the slave states would outnumber the free states and so there was a new state currently known as Maine, which was a free state, the issue of outnumbering states had been solved or so the people of U.S had thought, a few years later it came up again, this happened since America kept on expanding westwards which resulted on adding more states but if the free or slave states managed to outnumber the others they would easily have the majority and force its ideals and so this kept on going till a long time. How the US abolished the problem of slavery The US kept on struggling to abolish slavery in the country.

The free states and the slave states had declared war on each other, it was the American civil war, They kept on engaging in multiple battles but at the very end the free states won, and with the adoption of the 13th amendment slavery was finally abolished. This was a huge success and a milestone achieved by the U.S. Conclusion Slavery was a heartbreaking problem that existed in some parts of Europe, which was brought to the U.S when it was still a British colony.

The US had been split into two, the first half which didn’t support slavery and, the second half that relied on slavery, sooner or later these two parts had declared war with each other which resulted in the American civil war where the free states won and with the 13th amendment slavery was abolished and indeed a milestone achieved by the U.S.

                                                                    Authored By

                                                                                   Shivamjyoti Das


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