Health is Wealth

Thanmayee Bhat


‘Health is Wealth’ is an adage.This says that health is the most important gift to a man.One may have money,property,longevity and what not?If he doesen’t have good health to enjoy them what is the use?Actually health helps us to get other kinds of gains like money,education,job,property,and so on.We may have more comforts in our life,but unless we have good health we cannot enjoy a bit of it.

A factory or an office needs persons for their work and expects them to be in good health and physically fit. In every school and college games and sports are provided to keep the health of body along with health of mind. The mass media gives advice about how to cure common diseases. The government has opened free hospitals so that even the poor can safeguard their health.

It is the foremost duty of every citizen to keep good health. An unhealthy person is a burden and dangerous not only to himself and his family but also to society. Even citizen should cultivate healthy habits from early childhood. If wealth is lost something is lost, but if health is lost everything is lost. So one must keep good health.

What is health? Health is not just from disease. Health means physically fit,mentally alert.

Many people are getting disease because of their bad habits like smoking, drinking,untimely eating, drinking polluted water etc. By eating more also,diseases do occur. By inhaling polluted air man feels sick. The diseases may be chronic if not cured in the formative stages.

For good health one has to inhale good air, drink warm water and eat good and nourishable food. It is the practice of every individual to take two meals a day. One can be active only if he takes food regularly. Food gives him energy and keep them in good health. Eating food is to live on Earth. One should not live to eat.

To live a satisfactory life balanced food is necessary. A person should consume food items like proteins, fat,minerals and vitamins in sufficient precautions. If he eats more than required he suffers from indigestion etc. A person will be in good health if he knows how to eat. Eating more is not good. We need food for good health and it is not just to satisfy our tongue. What we eat it should be absorbed in the blood.

For a person to be healthy cleanliness is also important. One must give importance to sanitation of his house and place where he lives.

The water we drink should be pure. Water is to be used from health point. Water may look pure, but it may contain micro-organisms. So it should be filtered. For good health, pure water has to be used. Otherwise constipation or digestive disorder is the result.

We must clean our body daily using toilet soaps. Water is the cleaning agent. The citizens should not throw here and there. They should put them in the dustbins and such accumulated wastes should be disposed in a phased manner. Air pollution is the greatest enemy of health. Automobiles emit huge smoke that spoils one’s health.Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are poisonous gases. We must limit making noise. Noise pollution is also a threat to health.

Public toilets and Sulabh shouchalays should be used for disposing excreta and passing urine. And these toilets have to be kept clean. The environment may be kept clean by using disinfectants. Well water has to be kept pure by putting lime.

If we keep our houses and roads clean, naturally the town will be clean. We have to give first place for cleanliness. We should always keep an eye on our tanks, lakes, rivers,canles, the colour of water and its taste-smell. If they are spoiled the same has to be informed to pollution control board.

Health and sanitation are the two sides of a coin.If sanitation is not proper ill health is the result. We should not forget the two adages; ‘Health and Wealth’ and “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”

                                                                       Authored By

                                                                                    Thanmayee Bhat


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