Corona Virus – The Unseen Disaster

By Satya Bhargavi 



The coronavirus is a dangerous and unseen disaster. Corona is the unseen virus, it is a part of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) virus. Corona is a Latin word that means crown or wreath. Coronavirus has originated from Wuhan city, China on 31st December 2019. 


Corona Virus is also known as Covid-19. The first case of coronavirus reported at Wuhan city, China. The entire world is suffering from this corona crisis and lost their loved ones. It is a new virus that impacting the whole world. The confirmed cases are 7,86,04,532 and deaths are 17,44,235 around the world. Corona Virus is originated from Wuhan City, China on 31st December 2019. In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Covid-19 outbreak as a pandemic.  It spreads around the world. Corona Virus affected so many people some are recovered and some have died. The outbreak of coronavirus in china left shock to everyone in the world. Coronavirus may affect people who have asthma, heart attack, diabetes. Lockdown is the only option to control the coronavirus transmission. All the world has experienced the lockdown for 7 months, this is a brake to their busy life. Even though the coronavirus spread to everyone from small villages to metro cities.  Novel Corona Virus initially transmitted from animals to humans. Covid-19 causes a respiratory infection in humans. Coronavirus-2019 is the new arrival of viruses in the family of Coronavirus. The Symptoms of covid-19 are a constant headache, runny nose, fever, cough, sore throat. Some of them did not have any symptoms. The precautions are to wear the mask, use sanitizer, maintain social distance, avoid contact with the affected person, wash hands for 20 seconds, not to touch the face frequently. Coronavirus spreads through the air. Coronavirus affected the educational system very much. The schools are shut down. For the first time, total students in the world sat in front of mobiles, laptops for online classes. Corona disturbed the educational system completely. The people lost their jobs and the Indian economy erupted. Corona Virus Vaccine is the challenge in front of the world. The vaccine is important to prevent coronavirus. Till now there is no proper drug or vaccine for this coronavirus has been developed for the treatment of this disease. However, the research is being carried on for the development of drugs and vaccines. Corona virus-transformed its structure and RNA became a more powerful and dangerous virus named “Strain”. The strain has originated in the UK and spreads all over the world. The strain is 70% more powerful than the coronavirus. Coronavirus has helped nature. River Ganga, Godavari and so many rivers cleaned by themselves. We should spend trillions of dollars to clean the rivers. Animals are increased by 10% in the lockdown. It is necessary to come out of this situation as fast as possible. So people should maintain good hygienic. Together, we all can bring an end to this pandemic. 

By Satya Bhargavi 



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