Many people take part-time jobs everywhere. The most common people who takes part-time jobs are students who are studying in college or universities. Part time jobs are available in many countries.

In most cases, doing a part -time job could help students with their career choices because it could increase and improve their knowledges. For instance, if you are working in office as staff, you are able to improve your communication skills by speaking fluently to other staffs, able to manage your own emotions and behaviors, cheering up your presentation and listening carefully. Moreover, you can able to fixed and determine your time management skills, too. There are many options to as a part time job such as caretaker for children , infants or families , a waiter/waitress in restaurants , a car retailers, a cashier in supermarkets/stores, a driver or a member of community.

However, there are downsides of doing part time jobs because some students are finding difficulties to cope and manage with their studies. There could be many reasons, students are not able to manage with their studies. Firstly, they might have stressful or tiredness after their lessons. Secondly, they might having too much of distractions and disturbances, too. For instance, students might have problems with their location of living or they are studying in overseas to study. As a result, they would having difficulties to study the courses due to tough syllabus or other reasons.

In the end, doing a part time job is good for students because they can gain valuable experiences and they learn on managing their own money. In addition, they will get their salaries day by day, wages, or monthly. Hence, this is not obligatory but you can do this for managing your life time in college or universities


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