
Ananya Dayal


Its liking was like strawberry, who knew its addiction would become like a cigarette!

Take anything from the shattered civilization to the modern era, from kings and swords to borders and guns, from love taking the form of lust to the greed of power leading to grave. Addiction, a better term I use, is like the poison that makes the warm campfire burn down the jungle. Everyone has goals, passion, dreams, and has a path set down to travel. Working for it and being patient to reach your destination will grant you an elixir while pushing everyone down and getting there by deceiving and cheating others is addiction or obsession; it’s poison! It makes a person egotistic, selfish and creates havoc in the peaceful life one dreams of and works to establish. You drift away from your ambition and throw aside your morals and ethics for a developing addiction in you, without any realization. You fail to notice whether its addiction or ambition!

 In the present time where addiction to things, people, and feelings is leaping over the developing generation’s mind and destroying several lives, we yearn for a society with healthy, happy, and productive youth. We live in a society where competition is directly proportional to population, where future and careers are uncertain, inflation is rising, the economic condition of people is deteriorating, everyone has to participate in the rush of life (Coronavirus doing its share of making things worse) and all these impact one’s life more than expected. Choosing the right profession, parent’s differing preferences, your passion, money criteria; all of this leading to conflicts which, if not solved might attack the child’s mental state slowly. During all this rush of life, we seem to forget the basic thing life requires- LIVING. Living is not about passing a certain period on Earth but making a change, a better change in society, for people who enter your life and for yourself. The majority of us are depressed, unsatisfied, uncertain about tomorrow because of various reasons, but till you realize it, you are addicted to your feelings, an addiction that corrupts your mind and thinking power leading to a negative terminal and blocks the positive vibes. People start creating a hopeless world for themselves.

Addiction is generally categorized as a neurological disease or problem, that ends up tricking your brain to a point where you start believing there is no way to transform or work on yourself, the situation becomes pathetic according to you. That’s when the addiction towards grief and melancholy starts taking the form of addiction towards things. DRUGS, a very negative term, unless used as prescribed medicine by doctors. Youth, which is meant to climb success, intoxicates and suffocate themselves in the smoke of drugs, drinks, and gambling. When life allows us to make better changes, to calm down the anxiety; we miss the shot because we are so used to our grief, so clouded with the white powder destroying us day by day that we end up concluding- everything is going downhill, everything is going the wrong way. The time we can make things right, we end up spending it over crying for situations neither you nor I can change. Things we can’t get, suddenly become our want, which sums up the human nature of addiction and stubbornness to achieve something that’s not made for us, just because others reach their goal doesn’t mean you fail, you just have your own pace! Comparing yourself, getting jealous and trying to snatch someone’s position is the addiction to power and materialism. When we realize where others have reached, we start skipping the rugs of the ladder to success that makes us fall flat on our faces. A position that you dreamt of but never worked for cannot be yours in a night. New addictions overnight won’t get you a throne! Do you ever ask yourself where you are heading off? Where is your life taking you? Where are you taking yourself? Life is hard! True that. In the end what you went through, how much you suffered, or how much you cried won’t matter until you succeed. Sitting in your room with a dim light from a zero-watt bulb and crying because you failed your first attempt, or washing your face and getting ready for another start? That’s your choice to make. It’s your decision that matters.

 You never realize, how from the caffeine in our coffee to nicotine in our cigarettes, drugs have found their way into our lives. What point? What emotion in our life forced us to kneel to a level where we trade off our life? Drugs like heroin and cocaine are far more potent, addictive, and damaging to one’s health than any drug sold in stores. It doesn’t remain just a one-time stress reliever as some call it but becomes a lifelong addiction that destroys you slowly. Wasting money on cigarettes is wasting your life. Cutting your connection with reality is never the solution to your problems, but finding an answer to your questions is! Until you go out and look for opportunities, they won’t knock at your door. Giving up was never a solution but working through the obstacles is. When you go through a journey, the will to give up always tries to take over the will to keep going, the temptations, the unwanted desire keeps pulling you down. If you are not strong you are crushed to the ground and if you stay strong and keep going, take a single step at a time, no need to rush just don’t take a step back, that’s all you need for success. Not cigarettes, drugs, drinks, or fights. You can and you will fight all the situations yourself, you will face anything and everything that brings you down and you will win! Don’t let someone tell you otherwise.

 Remember to use social media for a little entertainment when tired, to communicate with those friends who want to see you succeed; don’t let yourself be guided by people crying or flaunting on social media, use it for your betterment, remember not all you see on your screen is real. Once you get addicted to the dark side of social media, you spoil yourself, you violate your freedom, and everything has its limit, restrain yourself from crossing over that line.

The same situation with love, love is not with the body, gender, or face but with the inner beauty.

                                                Love is neither lust nor addiction.

 It’s not an obsession but a pure, calm yet overwhelming feeling when you are with your significant other. Whenever you find yourself in a hopeless situation remember to find the right people to guide and listen to you, one wrong step may lead to you being shattered.

Everyone in life goes through a time where they seem to stop. On a hill slope, if you accelerate a bit you cross it peacefully, if you fasten a lot it may result in a crash and if you loosen the hold, you will retreat backward. Remember problems in life are a sign to let you know you are leveling up, at times we feel it is a lot of burden on our self, a lot of stress, assignments piled up on the table, lost the match, exams were a complete disaster and life is a mess. That point if you give up, if you get addicted to the mess created, you won’t rise. If you tell yourself there is no sunshine you will feel cold even with a radiator on. Until you buckle up, until you trust yourself, no one will. Show the world you aren’t an addict you recover and shine!

                                     “It is all easy on paper but tiresome in real life.”

True but- Give it a thought; when it is about saving you from any of the addictions, a bit of toil to recover is not a bad idea after all. At this time when coronavirus has such a huge impact on nearly everyone’s life, not only on the social, economic, political, or academic aspect but on the mental health of people, let us create a healthy and open environment to relax in; and not a toxic one where we despise and deceive each other, where other’s opinions are defined to be trash and fun means drinks and smoking pipes. Let’s go on a ride with pop hit songs, stargazing with soft background music, and make each day worth remembering. Nothing lasts forever, or else neither would coffee cool nor cigarettes burn to ashes. We all have to hold ourselves tight, addictions for anything won’t mitigate our pain or encourage us, and they will build agony and frustration at the most and get us to our worst.

As I said in the start:

Devour the taste till it is sweet as strawberry, not the addiction that burns you like cigarettes.

 Get over the pain, be strong, and fight this combat once, for yourself! Stars shine the brightest in the darkest nights and we might get a win when we least anticipate it. Choose wisely-

Fondness of strawberry or Addiction of cigarettes?

                                                                               Authored By

                                                                                                       Ananya Dayal


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